Here are a few places my images appeared recently. On ESPN,, Canadian Press Agency, and recently a cover for the Atlantic Current magazine.[gallery link="file" ids="3177,3178,3179,3180,3181,3182,3183,3184,3185,3186"]...

We got our 4th cover for The Atlantic Current Magazine, more than any other publication I have worked with!  It was about my recent trip to Indonesia on traveling there to surf.  We also shot the welcome to summer image campaign.  Here are some tear...

                                          I was fortunate to be assigned to shoot the cover Feb/Mar 2013 issue of the Atlantic Current Magazine, which will be my third cover in a row with them. Below are a handful of other images and assignments that were ran in the latest issue including...

The Atlantic Current magazine continues to grow as a prominent South Florida Sports and Lifestyle read.  I was stoked to get the first and now the second straight cover.  This time with Jr. World Champ Wakeboarder Noah Flegel.  Not an easy shot to achieve as...

Take a look at the 2012 edition of my 10 Frames Per Second (FPS) video which is a review of the last 12 months of shooting.  Check out more with my 3rd Annual Photo Exhibit at Island Water Sports on Friday January 4, 2013 at...

A new mag has emerged in South Florida called The Atlantic Current.  Many images of mine were chosen for the inside of the mag including the cover.  Here are some screen shots...