Once again the Boca Raton Police Services Dept.  has asked me to shoot the ad campaign for this year.  Here is one of the many shoots, the Motor Patrol.  Special thanks to my awesome intern Lamise for helping out! [gallery columns="4"]...

As we continue to partner with Brave Man Media on a variety of projects we continued to provide event stills for their client Legacy while they provide video for them.  Here is a recent event in Miami at the Forge where Ginvasion was put on...

Recently we created a Tri-Fold Brochure for Island Water Sports representing their entire audience to kick off the winter 2011-12 season.  These are flattened versions....

We were recently hired to develop the brand for Doghouse Performance Cycling Center.  They are an indoor cycling center with world class athletes that demand precise training that can only be made possible in a controlled environment.  They developed the concept, came up with the...

Some remote camera stuff we set up. Thats me.Tazer!K-9 TeamsSWATChief Dan AlexanderAs we go into our 3rd week of shooting for the Department our appreciation for those that protect us gets higher and higher. Here are some more images from the shoots that...

This week we started working along side the Boca Raton City Police Department, to produce there 2009 Advertising Campaign images. It was an honor to be chosen to photograph the dept. and show how they represent my community that I live in. Check back for...