Advertising image campaign for Owl Tutoring
Recently we partnered with Boca Web design to provide the photography for the new Owl Tutoring ad campaign images. Here are some of the images we shot with the models! [gallery columns="4"]...
Recently we partnered with Boca Web design to provide the photography for the new Owl Tutoring ad campaign images. Here are some of the images we shot with the models! [gallery columns="4"]...
We provided the event photography coverage for their Jameson event at the Black Bird in downtown Miami. Here are some images from the event.[gallery columns="4"]...
Recently Reliance construction hired us to recreate a recently renovated hotel lobby and sitting spaces for there client Marriot for their portfolio. Here are some of the images...
Recently we were brought on by Polyglass based in Deerfield Beach, FL, a division of Mapei to shoot their latest catalog of roofing products. We set up a full studio at their factory in Winter Haven, Florida for 3 days. We also shot, adhesive materials,...
Recently we were asked to build an entire line of images based on One Bag One Life's new 2013 product Spring/Summer line. Here are some samples that were shot for branding of the new bags on the web and print. [gallery columns="4"]...
A quick headshot for See America Travel, Miami offices staff. Here is a sample: ...