This week South Florida had an arctic blast from the north sweep through the state to remind everyone how nice it is to always have nice weather year around.  Naturally the waves followed.  Here are a few I captured from a fairly unsuccessful morning hunt...

Jamaican rooting each other on!Ryan HelmTanner StrohmangerPuerto Rico's Hector Santa MariaIn the un-lucky event that the 2 months of straight swell dying the day of the contest this weekend, I cant imagine the organizers were very pleased.  They ended up running the Longboard and womens...

This past week I got sick and it is never fun to sit around and not do anything. Well, mother nature made it a little nicer with some good waves. Here is a little sesh from the other morning out as I found...

Brian NoelSGKorackTommyThis week we finally got some chop to surf. It wasnt much but great to get in the water. The weather is getting a little nicer and Florida is nice to be outside again. The other evening the light poked through...

Jensen CallawayBrian NoelPaul ReinekePaul ReinekeGetting the call the day before that the swell was good but I couldnt go layed out a decision to make the drive or not. Steph and I decided it was time for a road trip up to old Florida....

Dave LeonardToday was the first time I have ever gone to Reef Road and back to Boca twice in one day! Well, Steph, Matt and I loaded up and headed out dawn patrol style to find it onshore and closing out. We drove...