I actually really enjoyed the outcome of this design considering the specs and time frame I was given.  I custom made a few of the letters and of course the rider.  For all you bike nerds out there, you should go to the event.  Its...

Last week I went along with my buddy and his 5 second 2000 horsepower rocket they call a Shelby and shot him and his friends cars.  They prep the cars for hours and run it down the track like 3 times all day into the...

After being back home for only a few days I was given the opportunity to go chase a swell about to hit Nicaragua and shoot some barrels.  It was a total success and I had a blast with some friends.  On our day off we...

Some recent shots in this months Eastern Surfing Magazine profiling the gulf coast and my hometown of Venice.  The top shot is of Tayler Brothers, where I first learned to surf and a half mile from where I grew up.  Pick your copy at a...